There are 15 adult daycare facilities serving Brentwood, Tennessee. This includes 1 facility in Brentwood and 14 nearby. The costs per day for adult daycare in Tennessee range from $15 up to $115, with a mean cost running approximately $55. The per month expense averages roughly $1,650 and ranges between $450 and $3,450. On an annual basis, the average cost is about $14,300, which is under the US average of $16,900.
Adult daycare costs in Brentwood, TN range from $35 per day to $80 per day, with an average cost of around $58 per day. This equates to an annual cost of around $14,950.
Brentwood is a small city in Tennessee. It is located in Williamson County and is included in the Nashville-Davidson-Murfreesboro-Franklin metro area. While the city itself is home to 49,035 inhabitants, the surrounding metropolitan area contains a populace of 1,261,426. The senior community makes up approximately 26% of the overall population.
The SeniorScore™ for Brentwood is 86. The city has a median per capita income of $56,000. The average household income is $114,000 in comparison to an average of $39,000 for the whole of Tennessee. The current unemployment rate is about 4.18% and the average housing price is $333,000, which is significantly higher than the state average of $163,500.
Brentwood has mild average temperatures, with comfortable winters and balmy summers. The area receives very high amounts of precipitation each year. Brentwood has a very low crime rate and good air quality ratings in comparison to other cities in the US.