There are 4 adult daycare facilities serving Greensboro, North Carolina. This includes 1 facility in Greensboro and 3 nearby. The costs per day of adult daycare in North Carolina range from $21 up to $100, with an average expense running approximately $51. The monthly cost averages around $1,530 and ranges between $630 and $3,000. Annually, the average cost is around $13,260, which is under the national average of $16,900.
Adult daycare costs in Greensboro, NC range from around $21 per day to $119 per day, with an average cost of around $57 per day. That equates to a yearly cost of around $14,820.
Greensboro is a major city in Guilford County in the State of North Carolina. It is included in the Greensboro-High Point metropolitan area. With 572,074 inhabitants in the surrounding area and 305,168 residing within the city itself, it is the 3rd biggest city in the state. Approximately 23% of the residents are 55 and over.
Greensboro has a good SeniorScore™ of 75. The city has a median per capita income of $27,000. The average household income is $45,000 in comparison to an average of $41,000 for the whole of North Carolina. The current unemployment rate is about 10.22% and the average home price is $67,500, which is significantly lower than the state average of $204,000.
Greensboro has mild average temperatures, with comfortable winters and warm summers. The area gets large levels of precipitation annually. In comparison to other American cities, Greensboro has a higher than average crime rate, low air quality, and better than average water quality ratings.