There are 12 adult daycare facilities near Horn Lake, Mississippi. The costs per day for adult daycare in Mississippi range from $20 up to $71, with a median cost running approximately $63. The per month expense averages about $1,890 and ranges between $600 and $2,130. On an annual basis, the average cost is around $16,250, which is less than the nationwide average of $16,900.
Costs for adult daycare in Horn Lake, MS range between $60 per day and $92 per day. The average cost is around $66 per day, or about $17,124 yearly.
Horn Lake is a small city in DeSoto County, Mississippi. It is included in the Memphis metropolitan area. While the encompassing area is home to 188,334 residents, there are 26,066 living within the city. People who are over the age of 55 compose approximately 15% of the community.
Horn Lake has a good SeniorScore™ of 73. The city has an average per capita income of $19,000. The average household income is $48,000 in comparison to the average of $34,000 for the state of Mississippi. The current unemployment rate is around 7.27% and the average housing price is $141,000, which is relatively higher than the state average of $114,000.
Horn Lake has ideal mean temperatures, with very mild winters and temperate summers. The area gets very high levels of rain each year. Horn Lake has moderate air quality ratings and an exceptionally low rate of crime compared to other American cities.