There are 19 adult daycare facilities near Johnston, Rhode Island. The costs per day of adult daycare in Rhode Island range from $65 up to $75, with a median cost running about $66. The per month cost averages around $1,980 and ranges between $1,950 and $2,250. On a yearly basis, the mean cost is around $17,160, which is greater than the national average of $16,900.
Johnston is a small city in the State of Rhode Island. It is located in Providence County and is part of the Providence-New Bedford-Fall River metropolitan area. It is the 9th largest city in Rhode Island. The surrounding metropolitan area includes 838,011 inhabitants, but there are 28,790 within the city itself. Around 32% of the local residents are over the age of 55.
Johnston has an above average SeniorScore™ of 78. The median housing price in the city is $331,500, which is somewhat less than the state average of $432,000. Johnston also has an average unemployment rate of approximately 7.65%. The city's median household income is $55,000 ($29,000 per capita), compared to an average of $68,000 for the whole of Rhode Island.
Johnston has harsh average temperatures, with tolerable winters and calm summers. The city receives large amounts of precipitation each year. Johnston has a low crime rate, very good water quality, and very poor air quality compared to other cities in the United States.