There are 19 adult daycare facilities serving Kent, Washington. This includes 5 facilities in Kent and 14 nearby. The costs per day for adult daycare in Washington range from $17 to $144, with a median expense running approximately $67. The per month expense averages around $2,010 and ranges between $510 and $4,320. Annually, the mean cost is around $17,443, which is over the national average of $16,900.
Costs of adult daycare in Kent range between $57 per day and $57 per day. The average cost is $57 per day, or around $14,729 per year.
Located within King County, Kent is a medium sized city in the State of Washington. It is the seventh biggest city in Washington. While the city itself includes 147,876 inhabitants, the surrounding metropolitan area has a population of 5,380,824. The 55+ community currently composes around 20% of the overall population.
The SeniorScore™ for Kent is 67. The city has a mean per capita income of $28,000. The average household income is $65,000 compared to an average of $51,000 for the whole of Washington. The current unemployment rate is approximately 7.7% and the average home price is $226,500, which is much less than the state average of $325,500.
Kent has moderate average temperatures, with moderate winters and mildly warm summers. The area receives average levels of rainfall annually. Kent has a moderate crime rate, better than average water quality ratings, and very low air quality ratings in comparison to similarly-sized cities.