There are 5 adult daycare facilities serving Norwalk, Ohio. This includes 1 facility in Norwalk and 4 nearby. The costs per day for adult daycare in Ohio range from $35 to $100, with a mean expense running approximately $52. The per month cost averages about $1,560 and ranges between $1,050 and $3,000. On an annual basis, the mean cost is about $13,520, which is below the nationwide average of $16,900.
Norwalk is a small city in the State of Ohio. It is located within Huron County. While the city is home to 23,805 residents, the encompassing metropolitan area has a total population of 1,765,603. People over 55 comprise 27% of the total population.
Norwalk has an above average SeniorScore™ of 70. The city's mean household income is $47,000 ($24,000 on a per capita basis), compared to an average of $49,000 for the state of Ohio. The mean housing price in Norwalk is $187,500, which is higher than the Ohio average of $177,000. The city also has a high unemployment rate of around 9.2%.
Norwalk has extreme average temperatures, with cold winters and pleasant summers. The area gets low levels of precipitation annually. Norwalk has above average air quality and a low rate of crime compared to similarly-sized cities.