There are 7 adult daycare facilities near Shelbyville, Kentucky. Adult daycare costs in Kentucky range from around $37 up to $101 per day, with an average expense running around $63. The per month expense averages roughly $1,890 and ranges between $1,110 and $3,030. On an annual basis, the median cost is about $16,510, which is below the nationwide average of $16,900.
Costs for adult daycare in Shelbyville, KY range between $50 per day and $68 per day. The average cost is about $60 per day, or around $15,600 per year.
Shelbyville is a small city in the State of Kentucky. It is located in Shelby County and is included in the Louisville/Jefferson County metro area. The surrounding area contains 811,614 inhabitants, but there are 28,025 residing in the city itself. People over 55 compose 24% of the total community.
Shelbyville has a medium SeniorScore™ of 69. The city's average household income is $51,000 ($26,000 per capita), compared to the average of $37,000 for the state of Kentucky. The average housing price in Shelbyville is $118,500, which is lower than the state average of $124,500. The city has an average unemployment rate of around 6.78%.
Shelbyville has moderate average temperatures, with moderate winters and pleasant summers. The city receives large amounts of precipitation annually. In relation to other American cities, Shelbyville has above average water quality, average air quality ratings, and a low crime rate.