There are 19 adult daycare facilities serving Vancouver, Washington. This includes 5 facilities in Vancouver and 14 nearby. Adult daycare costs in Washington range from around $17 to $144 per day, with a mean expense running around $67. The per month cost averages about $2,010 and ranges between $510 and $4,320. On a yearly basis, the mean cost is about $17,443, which is greater than the national average of $16,900.
The cost of adult daycare in Vancouver, WA typically ranges from $92 per day all the way up to $92 per day. The average cost is about $92 per day, or around $23,920 yearly.
Vancouver is a major city in Clark County, Washington. It is the fourth largest city in Washington. The surrounding metropolitan area is home to 5,380,824 inhabitants, but there are 299,480 residing in the city. Approximately 24% of the local residents are over 55.
Vancouver has an above average SeniorScore™ of 72. The city's average household income is $56,000 ($27,000 on a per capita basis), vs the average of $51,000 for the whole of Washington. The average housing price in Vancouver is $237,000, which is less than the Washington average of $325,500. Vancouver also has a high unemployment rate of roughly 10.55%.
Vancouver has medium average temperatures, with medium winters and mildly warm summers. The area receives average levels of precipitation each year. In comparison to similarly-sized cities, Vancouver has a moderate crime rate, lower than average water quality, and good air quality.