Adult Daycare in Waynesville, North Carolina
There is 1 adult daycare facility near Waynesville, North Carolina. The daily costs for adult daycare in North Carolina range from $21 to $100, with an average cost running about $51. The monthly cost averages roughly $1,530 and ranges between $630 and $3,000. Yearly, the median cost is around $13,260, which is under the US average of $16,900.
The cost for adult daycare in Waynesville, NC can range from around $50 per day up to $51 per day. The median cost is approximately $50 per day, or about $13,000 per year.
Waynesville is a small city in Haywood County within North Carolina. It is part of the Asheville metro area. Though the surrounding statistical area has 334,352 people, there are 28,052 living within the city. Residents over the age of 55 comprise about 38% of the total population.
The SeniorScore™ for Waynesville is 70. The city's mean household income is $41,000 ($26,000 per capita), versus an average of $41,000 for the state of North Carolina. The mean home price in Waynesville is $258,000, which is higher than the North Carolina average of $204,000. The city also has a moderate unemployment rate of around 7.67%.
Waynesville has tolerable mean temperatures, with tolerable winters and warm summers. The area receives high levels of precipitation annually. Waynesville has below average air quality and an average rate of crime compared to similarly-sized cities.
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Transylvania Regional Hospital TCU is a 10 unit nursing facility. It is located at Hospital Dr in Brevard, North Carolina. The facility is in a mostly middle class area, with an average family income of $41,411. It ...
26 miles away from Waynesville, NC