Adult Daycare in Winnsboro, South Carolina
There is 1 adult daycare facility near Winnsboro, South Carolina. The daily costs for adult daycare in South Carolina range from $35 to $178, with a median expenditure running about $50. The monthly expense averages roughly $1,500 and ranges between $1,050 and $5,340. On a yearly basis, the median cost is about $13,000, which is under the national average of $16,900.
Adult daycare costs in Winnsboro range from $55 per day up to $72 per day, with a median cost of approximately $58 per day. That equates to a yearly cost of around $15,015.
Winnsboro is a small city in Fairfield County within South Carolina. It is included in the Columbia metro area. While the surrounding area has 577,689 people, there are 14,267 residing within the city limits. Around 29% of the residents are over the age of 55.
Winnsboro has an average SeniorScore™ of 62. The mean housing price in the city is $138,000, which is less than the South Carolina average of $163,500. Winnsboro has a high unemployment rate of roughly 10.81%. The city's mean household income is $34,000 ($18,000 per person), in comparison to the average of $37,000 for the whole of South Carolina.
Winnsboro has mild mean temperatures, with comfortable winters and temperate summers. The area gets high levels of rain each year. Winnsboro has poor air quality ratings and a moderate rate of crime in relation to similarly-sized cities.
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27 miles away from Winnsboro, SC