Assisted Living in Cave Junction, Oregon
There are 18 assisted living facilities serving Cave Junction, Oregon. This includes 1 facility in Cave Junction and 17 nearby. The mean daily cost for assisted living in Oregon is about $133, with costs running between $73 and $182 daily. On a monthly basis, this equates to a mean cost of $4,000, with costs ranging from around $2,196 to $5,463. The mean yearly cost is $48,000, which is above the US average of $42,000.
The cost for assisted living in Cave Junction ranges from as little as $2,610 per month to $4,850 per month. The average cost is about $4,300 per month, or about $51,600 annually.
SeniorScore™ for Cave Junction, Oregon
The SeniorScore™ is calculated based on over 100 variables, some of which are shown below. The final score is curved based on a linear curving method. For More info visit
- Cave Junction scores lower than the Oregon average of 67.
- Cave Junction scores significantly lower than the national average of 72.
- There is a low number of Medicare registered physicians within the city limits.
- There are no hospitals within close range of the city.
- There is 1 senior living facility in close proximity to the city (Grandma's House AFH LLC).
- There is a very low number of home healthcare providers operating in the city.
- There is a low number of fire stations serving the city.
- The average life expectancy is 79.5, compared to the national average of 78.6.
- There are 4 pharmacies within close range of the city.
- The city has a very high percentage of seniors in the population (43% of residents).
- There are 6 golf courses in or around the city, including Illinois Valley Golf Club, Applegate Golf, and Grants Pass Golf Club.
- There are 8 parks near the city center, including Great Cats World Park, Shady Acres Trailer & RV Park, and Illinois River Forks State Park.
- There are no churches in or near the city.
- There are 2 malls / shopping centers within close range of the city.
- There are 6 grocery stores within the city.
- There are no movie theatres in or near the city.
- There are no gyms or health clubs in or near the city.
- The property taxes average 2.61% of total income, which is lower than the national average of 2.79%.
- The property taxes average 0.48% of property value, which is significantly lower than the national average of 1.09%.
- The city sales taxes averages 0.00%, which is significantly lower than the national average of 6.97%.
- Oregon has an average state income tax of 7.15%, compared to the national average of 3.38%.
- The city's mean household income is $36,877, which is significantly lower than the national average of $64,580.
- The city's median household income is $25,546, which is significantly lower than the national median of $51,560.
- The city's per capita income is $16,061, which is significantly lower than the national average of $25,611.
- Assisted living costs average $51,600 per year, which are very high compared to national figures.
- Nursing home costs average $99,280 per year, which are high compared to national costs.
- Adult daycare costs average $24,180 per year, which are very high compared to national numbers.
- Home healthcare costs average $49,764 annually, which are high compared to national costs.
- The unemployment rate is about 15.49%, which is very high compared to national averages.
- The overall cost of living is high compared to national averages.
- 1% of the senior population are financially responsible for at least one grandchild.
- Cave Junction receives low levels of rainfall each year.
- Cave Junction has average mean temperatures, with average winters and warm summers.
- This city has above average air quality.
- Cave Junction has a very sparse population density of 36.9 people per square mile.
- Residents of Cave Junction have an average daily commute time.
- The city has a low public transportation ridership.
- Cave Junction has a very low public school quality ranking.
- The city has a very low public school safety rating.
- This city has a low graduation rate of 83.72%.
Located within Josephine County, Cave Junction is a small city in the State of Oregon. The city has a total population of 6,264, with 2,944,458 residents in the surrounding statistical area. Those over 55 represent around 43% of the population.
Cave Junction has a moderate SeniorScore™ of 64. The median home price in the city is $246,000, which is somewhat less than the Oregon average of $322,500. Cave Junction also has a high unemployment rate of approximately 15.49%. The city's median household income is $26,000 ($16,000 per capita), compared to the average of $46,000 for the state of Oregon.
Cave Junction has moderate average temperatures, with moderate winters and temperate summers. The city receives low amounts of rain annually. When compared to other cities, Cave Junction has better than average air quality.
More About Cave Junction, Oregon Top Assisted Living Facilities in Cave Junction, Oregon
Located at 1538 Rockydale Rd, Grandma's House AFH is a family care home in Cave Junction, Oregon. With an average per-household income of $25,167, the community is in a predominantly low income area. It is sparsely populated, with ...
Located at 5244 Williams Hwy, Wings of Love is a senior housing facility in Grants Pass, Oregon. The community is in a mostly middle class area, with a median per-household income of $41,372. It has a dense population, ...
22 miles away from Cave Junction, OR
Countryside Village is a senior care community situated in the Redwood area of Grants Pass, Oregon. The surrounding area has a dense population, with roughly 35,000 poeple living in the zip code of 97527. It is a largely ...
24 miles away from Cave Junction, OR
Brookdale Grants Pass is a senior housing facility serving residents over the age of 55 located within the Redwood area of Grants Pass, Oregon. With an average per-household income of $41,372, the facility is in a generally middle ...
25 miles away from Cave Junction, OR
A Heart Above Care AFH is a residential care facility located within the Fruitdale neighborhood of Grants Pass, Oregon. The neighboring area is densely populated, with approximately 35,000 poeple living in the zip code of 97527. It is ...
26 miles away from Cave Junction, OR
Forest Meadows is a senior housing facility situated nearby the Redwood area of Grants Pass, Oregon. With a median per-family income of $37,488, the facility is in a largely middle class area. It is heavily populated, with roughly ...
26 miles away from Cave Junction, OR
Ashley Manor Care Centers - AniqueFacility is a senior care facility located around the Redwood neighborhood of Grants Pass, Oregon. The facility is in a predominantly middle income area, with a median per-household income of $37,488. With roughly ...
26 miles away from Cave Junction, OR
Ashley Manor Care Centers - Anique Facility is a senior community located near by the Redwood area of Grants Pass, Oregon. With roughly 35,000 residents in the zip code of 97526, the neighboring area is heavily populated. It ...
26 miles away from Cave Junction, OR
Located nearby the Fruitdale neighborhood, Oak Lane Retirement & Assisted Living is a senior housing facility serving Grants Pass, Oregon. With about 35,000 individuals residing in the 97526 zip code, the surrounding area is densely populated. It is ...
26 miles away from Cave Junction, OR
Situated within the Fruitdale area of the city, The Suites is a senior care community in Grants Pass, Oregon. With an average per-family income of $41,372, the community is in a mostly middle income area. It is densely ...
26 miles away from Cave Junction, OR
Situated within the Fruitdale neighborhood, The Suites Assisted Living Community is a senior care community in Grants Pass, Oregon. The surrounding area has a dense population, with roughly 35,000 individuals residing in the zip code of 97527. It ...
26 miles away from Cave Junction, OR
Fair View Transitional Health Center is a 102 room skilled nursing facility situated in the Fruitdale neighborhood of Grants Pass, Oregon. With roughly 35,000 individuals residing in the zip code of 97526, the encompassing area has a dense population. ...
27 miles away from Cave Junction, OR
Rogue Valley is a senior community located near by the Fruitdale neighborhood of Grants Pass, Oregon. With a median per-household income of $37,488, the community is in a largely middle income area. It is densely populated, with approximately ...
27 miles away from Cave Junction, OR
Laurel Hill Nursing Center is situated around the Fruitdale area of Grants Pass, Oregon. It is a 44 bed nursing home facility. The community is in a largely middle class area, with a median per-household income of $37,488. ...
27 miles away from Cave Junction, OR
Situated nearby the Fruitdale neighborhood, Sweet Pea Retirement Living is a senior housing facility serving Grants Pass, Oregon. With a median per-household income of $37,488, the facility is in a predominantly middle class area. It is densely populated, ...
27 miles away from Cave Junction, OR
Mountain Springs Home is a senior housing facility situated nearby the Fruitdale neighborhood of Grants Pass, Oregon. The encompassing area is heavily populated, with roughly 35,000 residents in the 97526 zip code. With a median per-household income of ...
27 miles away from Cave Junction, OR
Located at 1031 NW Morgan Ln, Black Oak Adult Foster Care is a residential care facility in Grants Pass, Oregon. The surrounding area is heavily populated, with roughly 35,000 individuals living in the 97526 zip code. With an ...
28 miles away from Cave Junction, OR
Situated near by the Fruitdale neighborhood, Gracious Living Care Home is a residential care home serving Grants Pass, Oregon. The community is in a primarily middle class area, with an average per-household income of $37,488. With around 35,000 ...
28 miles away from Cave Junction, OR