Assisted Living in Corydon, Indiana
There are 20 assisted living facilities serving Corydon, Indiana. This includes 3 facilities in Corydon and 17 nearby. Assisted living costs in Indiana range from around $37 to $274 daily, with an average cost running around $124. The per month expense averages roughly $3,724 and ranges between $1,095 and $8,220. Annually, the average cost is around $44,685, which is over the national average of $42,000.
The cost for assisted living in Corydon, IN typically ranges from around $2,650 per month up to $6,625 per month. The average cost is about $3,583 per month, or around $42,990 annually.
SeniorScore™ for Corydon, Indiana
The SeniorScore™ is calculated based on over 100 variables, some of which are shown below. The final score is curved based on a linear curving method. For More info visit
- Corydon scores lower than the Indiana average of 74.
- Corydon scores lower than the national average of 72.
- There is an average number of Medicare registered physicians within the city limits.
- There are 2 hospitals within close range of the city (Harrison County Hospital and Harrison County Hospital).
- There are 9 senior living facilities in close proximity to the city, including Corydon Nursing and Rehabilitation Center, Kindred Transitional Care And Rehab-Indian Creek, and Kindred Transitional Care And Rehab-Harrison.
- There is a low number of home healthcare providers operating in the city.
- There is an average number of fire stations serving the city.
- The average life expectancy is 77.6, compared to the national average of 78.6.
- There are 24 pharmacies within close range of the city.
- The city has an average percentage of seniors in the population (28% of residents).
- There are 38 golf courses in or around the city, including Old Capital Golf Club, New Salisbury Golf Course, and Bobby Nichols Golf Course.
- There are 5 parks near the city center, including Grand Trails RV Park, O\'Bannon Woods State Park, and Harrison-Crawford State Forest.
- There are 15 churches in or near the city, including Presbyterian Church, Cross of Calvary Baptist, and Fellowship Baptist Church.
- There are 2 malls / shopping centers within close range of the city.
- There are 16 grocery stores within the city.
- There is 1 movie theatre in or near the city.
- There are 7 gyms or health clubs in or near the city.
- The property taxes average 1.38% of total income, which is significantly lower than the national average of 2.79%.
- The property taxes average 0.62% of property value, which is significantly lower than the national average of 1.09%.
- The city sales taxes averages 7.00%, which is higher than the national average of 6.97%.
- Indiana has an average state income tax of 3.33%, compared to the national average of 3.38%.
- The city's mean household income is $64,180, which is lower than the national average of $64,580.
- The city's median household income is $51,347, which is lower than the national median of $51,560.
- The city's per capita income is $24,548, which is lower than the national average of $25,611.
- Assisted living costs average $44,310 per year, which are high compared to national figures.
- Nursing home costs average $91,250 per year, which are average compared to national costs.
- Adult daycare costs average $20,800 per year, which are high compared to national numbers.
- Home healthcare costs average $43,472 annually, which are low compared to national costs.
- The unemployment rate is about 10.54%, which is high compared to national averages.
- The overall cost of living is very low compared to national averages.
- 2% of the senior population are financially responsible for at least one grandchild.
- Corydon receives high levels of rainfall each year.
- Corydon has average mean temperatures, with average winters and pleasant summers.
- This city has very poor air quality.
- This city has above average water quality.
- Corydon has a sparse population density of 103.5 people per square mile.
- Residents of Corydon have a long daily commute time.
- The city has an average public transportation ridership.
- Corydon has a high public school quality ranking.
- The city has a very low public school safety rating.
- This city has an average graduation rate of 86.50%.
Corydon is a small city in Harrison County within the State of Indiana. It is part of the Louisville/Jefferson County metropolitan area. While the surrounding area is home to 209,926 inhabitants, there are 16,722 living inside the city limits. People over the age of 55 represent approximately 28% of the population.
The SeniorScore™ for Corydon is 70. The city has a median per capita income of $25,000 and a median household income is $51,000 (the Indiana state average is $49,000). The current unemployment rate is approximately 10.54% and the median home price is $181,500, which is higher than the state average of $163,500.
Corydon has tolerable average temperatures, with tolerable winters and calm summers. The city gets heavy levels of rainfall each year. Compared to other American cities, Corydon has good water quality ratings and very low air quality.
More About Corydon, Indiana Top Assisted Living Facilities in Corydon, Indiana
Located at 240 Beechmont Dr in Corydon, Indiana, Kindred Transitional Care And Rehab-Indian Creek is a 135 bed nursing home facility. The facility is in a largely middle class area, with a median per-family income of $50,381. It ...
Kindred Transitional Care And Rehab-Harrison is a 92 room nursing facility. It is located at 150 Beechmont Dr in Corydon, Indiana. The facility is in a primarily middle income area, with a median per-family income of $50,381. ...
Golden Guardians is a senior care community located at 6816 Spring Meadows Dr in Corydon, Indiana. The community is in a mostly middle income area, with a median household income of $50,381. It has a medium-density population, with ...
Villas of Guerin Woods is located at 1002 Sister Barbara Way in Georgetown, Indiana. It is a 50 bed senior housing facility. The community is in a largely middle income area, with an average per-household income of $65,190. ...
10 miles away from Corydon, IN
Located at 1040 Estate Cir, Beehives Homes of Georgetown is a senior housing facility in Georgetown, Indiana. The neighboring area has an average population density, with roughly 11,000 individuals living in the zip code of 47122. It is ...
11 miles away from Corydon, IN
Todd Dickey Nursing and Rehabilitation Center is a 62 bed nursing facility located in Leavenworth, Indiana. The community is in a primarily middle income area, with a median per-household income of $43,087. It has a sparse population, with ...
12 miles away from Corydon, IN
The Villages at Historic Silvercrest is a 54 unit senior community located nearby the Shawnee neighborhood of New Albany, Indiana. The encompassing area has a dense population, with approximately 48,000 individuals living in the zip code of 47150. ...
16 miles away from Corydon, IN
Located at 3700 Lafayette Pkwy, Azalea Hills is a senior care facility in Floyds Knobs, Indiana. With an average per-family income of $76,398, the facility is in a primarily upper class area. It has an average population density, ...
16 miles away from Corydon, IN
Situated in the Valley Station area of the city, Elmcroft of Valley Farms is a senior housing community serving Louisville, Kentucky. The neighboring area is heavily populated, with around 38,000 people residing in the 40272 zip code. It ...
16 miles away from Corydon, IN
Brookdale Stonestreet is located around the Valley Station neighborhood of Louisville, Kentucky. It is a senior community for residents 55 and up. With around 38,000 people residing in the 40272 zip code, the surrounding area has a dense ...
16 miles away from Corydon, IN
Situated nearby the Valley Station area of the city, Ponder Creek Estates is a senior care facility in Louisville, Kentucky. The surrounding area is heavily populated, with around 38,000 residents in the 40272 zip code. With a median ...
16 miles away from Corydon, IN
Located within the Hallmark neighborhood, Sacred Heart Village III is a senior housing facility in Louisville, Kentucky. The facility is in a largely middle class area, with a median per-household income of $41,502. It is heavily populated, with ...
16 miles away from Corydon, IN
Park Terrace Health Campus is an 88 room nursing facility located in the Valley Station neighborhood of Louisville, Kentucky. With roughly 38,000 poeple living in the 40272 zip code, the neighboring area has a dense population. It is ...
17 miles away from Corydon, IN
Located in the Valley Station area of the city, Almost Family is a senior housing community in Louisville, Kentucky. The neighboring area is heavily populated, with roughly 38,000 individuals residing in the 40272 zip code. It is a ...
17 miles away from Corydon, IN
Situated near the Shawnee area of New Albany, Indiana, New Albany Nursing and Rehabilitation Center is a 122 unit nursing facility. The surrounding area has a dense population, with around 48,000 residents in the zip code of 47150. ...
17 miles away from Corydon, IN
Located at 2911 Green Valley Rd in New Albany, Indiana, Autumn Woods Health Campus is a 93 bed nursing care facility. With an average per-family income of $47,177, the community is in a predominantly middle income area. It ...
17 miles away from Corydon, IN
Located within the Cloverleaf neighborhood of Louisville, Kentucky, Georgetown Manor is a 120 bed senior community. With about 42,000 individuals residing in the zip code of 40216, the encompassing area has a dense population. It is a mostly ...
17 miles away from Corydon, IN
Located at 3118 Green Valley Rd in New Albany, Indiana, Green Valley Care Center is a 141 unit senior housing community. With a median household income of $47,177, the facility is in a generally middle income area. It ...
17 miles away from Corydon, IN
Located within the Iroquois Park area of Louisville, Kentucky, Signature HealthCare of South Louisville is a 100 room nursing home facility. The facility is in a mostly middle income area, with a median family income of $38,146. It ...
19 miles away from Corydon, IN
Christian Health Center West is a 92 unit nursing care facility. It is situated in the California area of Louisville, Kentucky. The community is in a largely working class area, with an average per-family income of $16,629. ...
19 miles away from Corydon, IN