Assisted Living in Farmville, North Carolina
There are 20 assisted living facilities near Farmville, North Carolina. The daily costs of assisted living in North Carolina range from $37 to $263, with a median expense running around $98. The monthly expense averages roughly $2,940 and ranges between $1,100 and $7,895. Annually, the average cost is around $35,280, which is below the US average of $42,000.
Assisted living costs in Farmville, NC generally range from about $1,182 per month up to $4,413 per month, with a median cost of around $2,500 per month. This equates to a yearly cost of around $30,000.
SeniorScore™ for Farmville, North Carolina
The SeniorScore™ is calculated based on over 100 variables, some of which are shown below. The final score is curved based on a linear curving method. For More info visit
- Farmville scores significantly lower than the North Carolina average of 72.
- Farmville scores significantly lower than the national average of 72.
- There is a low number of Medicare registered physicians within the city limits.
- There are no hospitals within close range of the city.
- There are 16 senior living facilities in close proximity to the city, including PruittHealth - Farmville, Springshire Retirement Community, and Golden Livingcenter - Greenville.
- There is a high number of home healthcare providers operating in the city.
- There is an average number of fire stations serving the city.
- The average life expectancy is 77.8, compared to the national average of 78.6.
- There are 31 pharmacies within close range of the city.
- The area has a high property crime rate.
- The area has an average violent crime rate.
- The city has an average percentage of seniors in the population (28% of residents).
- There are 23 golf courses in or around the city, including Farmville Country Club, Bradford Creek Golf Club, and Ironwood Golf & Country Club.
- There are 5 parks near the city center, including Farmville Parks & Recreation, Bicycle Post Mountain Bike Trails, and Phil Carroll Nature Preserve.
- There are 17 churches in or near the city, including Lewis Chapel Church, First Baptist Church, and Friendship Free Will Baptist.
- There are 6 malls / shopping centers within close range of the city.
- There are 45 grocery stores within the city.
- There is 1 movie theatre in or near the city.
- There is 1 gym or health club in or near the city.
- The property taxes average 2.00% of total income, which is significantly lower than the national average of 2.79%.
- The property taxes average 0.90% of property value, which is significantly lower than the national average of 1.09%.
- The city sales taxes averages 7.25%, which is higher than the national average of 6.97%.
- North Carolina has an average state income tax of 4.89%, compared to the national average of 3.38%.
- The city's mean household income is $45,131, which is significantly lower than the national average of $64,580.
- The city's median household income is $32,087, which is significantly lower than the national median of $51,560.
- The city's per capita income is $19,748, which is significantly lower than the national average of $25,611.
- Assisted living costs average $30,000 per year, which are very low compared to national figures.
- Nursing home costs average $76,650 per year, which are low compared to national costs.
- Adult daycare costs average $12,480 per year, which are very low compared to national numbers.
- Home healthcare costs average $38,324 annually, which are very low compared to national costs.
- The unemployment rate is about 10.28%, which is high compared to national averages.
- The overall cost of living is high compared to national averages.
- 1% of the senior population are financially responsible for at least one grandchild.
- Farmville receives very high levels of rainfall each year.
- Farmville has mild mean temperatures, with comfortable winters and warm summers.
- This city has average air quality.
- Farmville has a sparse population density of 118.0 people per square mile.
- Residents of Farmville have a short daily commute time.
- Farmville has an average public school quality ranking.
- The city has a very high public school safety rating.
- This city has a low graduation rate of 79.31%.
Farmville is a small city in Pitt County, North Carolina. It is included in the Greenville metropolitan statistical area. While the encompassing statistical area includes 127,975 people, there are 9,071 residing within the city limits. Residents who are over the age of 55 compose approximately 28% of the total community.
The SeniorScore™ for Farmville is 65. The mean home price in the city is $157,500, which is less than the state average of $204,000. Farmville has a high unemployment rate of roughly 10.28%. The city's mean household income is $32,000 ($20,000 per person), compared to the average of $41,000 for the entire state of North Carolina.
Farmville has mild average temperatures, with comfortable winters and balmy summers. The city gets very high amounts of rainfall each year. Compared to other cities, Farmville has an average crime rate and moderate air quality ratings.
More About Farmville, North Carolina Top Assisted Living Facilities in Farmville, North Carolina
Located at 3404 Nc Highway 43 N, Springshire Retirement Community is a senior care community in Greenville, North Carolina. The facility is in a predominantly working class area, with a median per-family income of $34,503. With about 54,000 ...
9 miles away from Farmville, NC
Golden Living Center - Greenville is a 152 unit senior care community situated in Greenville, North Carolina. With an average per-family income of $34,503, the community is in a mostly lower income area. It is densely populated, with ...
10 miles away from Farmville, NC
Brookdale W. Arlington Boulevard is a senior care community serving residents 55 and over. It is located at 2105 West Arlington Blvd in Greenville, North Carolina. The surrounding area is heavily populated, with approximately 54,000 poeple living in ...
10 miles away from Farmville, NC
Located at 2097 W Arlington Blvd, Spring Arbor of Greenville is a senior community in Greenville, North Carolina. The community is in a generally lower income area, with a median household income of $34,503. It has a dense ...
10 miles away from Farmville, NC
Brookdale Dickinson Avenue is located at 2715 Dickinson Ave in Greenville, North Carolina. It is a senior housing community for those over the age of 55. The facility is in a generally working class area, with an ...
11 miles away from Farmville, NC
Located at 2060 W 5th St in Greenville, North Carolina, Southern Living Assisted Care is a 120 room senior housing community. The facility is in a generally lower income area, with an average per-family income of $34,503. It ...
11 miles away from Farmville, NC
Skill Creations of Winterville is a senior housing community located at 478 Cooper St in Winterville, North Carolina. With approximately 24,000 poeple living in the zip code of 28590, the surrounding area is heavily populated. It is a ...
12 miles away from Farmville, NC
Cypress Glen Retirement Community is located at 301 Francis Asbury Ln in Greenville, North Carolina. It is a 215 unit senior housing community. The encompassing area is densely populated, with roughly 57,000 people residing in the 27858 zip ...
14 miles away from Farmville, NC
Cypress Glen Retirement Commun is a 6 bed senior community located in Greenville, North Carolina. The neighboring area is heavily populated, with around 57,000 poeple living in the zip code of 27858. It is a mostly middle income ...
14 miles away from Farmville, NC
Located at 2757 Mewborn Church Rd in Snow Hill, North Carolina, Sozo Family Care Home is a 6 bed residential care home. The surrounding area has an average population density, with roughly 14,000 individuals residing in the zip code ...
16 miles away from Farmville, NC
Dixon House is located at 716 Wall St in Grifton, North Carolina. It is an 80 unit senior care community. The facility is in a mostly middle class area, with a median family income of $37,266. With ...
18 miles away from Farmville, NC
Beardsley House is a senior housing facility located at 27833 Country Road #24 in Elkhart, Indiana. With an average family income of $47,198, the community is in a generally middle income area. It is heavily populated, with about ...
18 miles away from Farmville, NC
Located at 1800 Martin Luther King Jr Pkwy SE, Wilson House is a senior housing facility in Wilson, North Carolina. The encompassing area is heavily populated, with about 41,000 people residing in the 27893 zip code. It is ...
19 miles away from Farmville, NC
Located at 3207 Carey Rd in Kinston, North Carolina, Spring Arbor of Kinston is an 86 unit senior housing facility. The surrounding area has a dense population, with around 23,000 poeple living in the zip code of 28504. ...
20 miles away from Farmville, NC
The Fountains at The Albemarle is located at 200 Trade St in Tarboro, North Carolina. It is a 30 unit senior community. The facility is in a primarily middle income area, with a median household income of $36,665. ...
21 miles away from Farmville, NC
Elm City Assisted Living is located at 416 N Parker St in Elm City, North Carolina. It is a 58 bed senior care facility. The encompassing area has an average population density, with around 9,000 people residing in ...
22 miles away from Farmville, NC
Fremont Rest Center is located at 300 S Vance St in Fremont, North Carolina. It is a 50 room senior care facility. The encompassing area has a sparse population, with approximately 6,000 people residing in the zip code ...
22 miles away from Farmville, NC
Located at 2045 Ward Blvd, Spring Arbor is a senior community in Wilson, North Carolina. With approximately 41,000 individuals living in the zip code of 27893, the neighboring area is densely populated. It is a primarily low income ...
22 miles away from Farmville, NC
Located at 725 Luther Dr, Howell and Howells Group Home L is a senior housing facility serving Goldsboro, North Carolina. The facility is in a generally middle income area, with an average per-family income of $44,367. It is ...
23 miles away from Farmville, NC
Located at 1106 E Caswell St in Kinston, North Carolina, Barnes Family Care Home is a 6 room residential care facility. The neighboring area has a dense population, with about 21,000 individuals living in the 28501 zip code. ...
23 miles away from Farmville, NC