There are 19 assisted living facilities serving Flushing, New York. This includes 7 facilities in Flushing and 12 nearby. The average daily cost of assisted living in New York is approximately $123, with costs running between $41 and $347 per day. On a monthly basis, this equates to a median expense of $3,684, with costs ranging from about $1,217 up to $10,413. The average yearly cost is $44,205, which is over the US average of $42,000.
Assisted living costs in Flushing typically range from around $3,280 per month to $10,050 per month, with a median cost of about $6,950 per month. This equates to a yearly cost of $83,400.
SeniorScore™ for Flushing, New York
The SeniorScore™ is calculated based on over 100 variables, some of which are shown below. The final score is curved based on a linear curving method. For More info visit
- Flushing scores lower than the New York average of 71.
- Flushing scores lower than the national average of 72.
- There is a very high number of Medicare registered physicians within the city limits.
- There are 84 hospitals within close range of the city, including Flushing Hospital Medical Center, North Shore Univ Hospital, and Forest Hills Hospital.
- There are 369 senior living facilities in close proximity to the city, including Flushing House, Franklin Center For Rehab and Nursing, and Queens Bnai Brith Housing.
- There is a high number of home healthcare providers operating in the city.
- There is a low number of fire stations serving the city.
- The average life expectancy is 80.5, compared to the national average of 78.6.
- There are 5462 pharmacies within close range of the city.
- The city has an average percentage of seniors in the population (27% of residents).
- There are 208 golf courses in or around the city, including Flushing Meadows Pitch & Putt Golf Course, Kissena Park Golf Course, and Clearview Golf Course.
- There are 57 parks near the city center, including Queens Botanical Garden, Flushing Meadows Corona Park, and Cunningham Park.
- There are 1854 churches in or near the city, including Korean Church of Queens, St Joan of Arc Rc, and St John Vianney Rc Church.
- There are 15 malls / shopping centers within close range of the city.
- There are 3423 grocery stores within the city.
- There are 251 movie theatres in or near the city.
- There are 1264 gyms or health clubs in or near the city.
- The property taxes average 3.92% of total income, which is significantly higher than the national average of 2.79%.
- The property taxes average 0.61% of property value, which is significantly lower than the national average of 1.09%.
- The city sales taxes averages 6.50%, which is lower than the national average of 6.97%.
- New York has an average state income tax of 4.81%, compared to the national average of 3.38%.
- The city's mean household income is $66,370, which is higher than the national average of $64,580.
- The city's median household income is $50,776, which is lower than the national median of $51,560.
- The city's per capita income is $24,584, which is lower than the national average of $25,611.
- Assisted living costs average $39,300 per year, which are average compared to national figures.
- Nursing home costs average $153,300 per year, which are very high compared to national costs.
- Adult daycare costs average $27,300 per year, which are very high compared to national numbers.
- Home healthcare costs average $46,332 annually, which are average compared to national costs.
- The unemployment rate is about 9.83%, which is high compared to national averages.
- The overall cost of living is very high compared to national averages.
- 1% of the senior population are financially responsible for at least one grandchild.
- Flushing receives average levels of rainfall each year.
- Flushing has average mean temperatures, with comfortable winters and pleasant summers.
- This city has below average air quality.
- This city has average water quality.
- Flushing has a very dense population density of 27,811.0 people per square mile.
- Residents of Flushing have a very long daily commute time.
- The city has a very high public transportation ridership.
- Flushing has a low public school quality ranking.
- The city has an average public school safety rating.
- This city has a low graduation rate of 80.16%.
Located within Queens County, Flushing is a mid-size city in the State of New York. It is included in the New York-Northern New Jersey-Long Island metro statistical area. With 219,342 residents within the city itself and 9,544,861 in the surrounding statistical area, it is the 9th biggest city in the state. The 55+ community represents 27% of the total population.
Flushing has a medium SeniorScore™ of 67. The average home price in the city is $315,000, which is relatively less than the New York average of $328,500. Flushing has a high unemployment rate of around 9.83%. The city's average household income is $51,000 ($25,000 on a per capita basis), versus the average of $62,000 for the whole of New York.
Flushing has medium average temperatures, with comfortable winters and pleasant summers. The area gets average amounts of precipitation annually. Flushing has poor air quality and moderate water quality ratings in relation to other cities.
Flushing, New York Senior Living
Retirement is such a great time in so many people's lives and there are many things that can help seniors better enjoy this unique experience. One of these things is finding the right city or town to spend retirement in. Of course, a warm, welcoming, friendly city that not only has heaps of hospitality, but has many everyday conveniences that can help improve any senior's quality of life. For many seniors, that city is Flushing, New York.
Seniors who live in Flushing will never feel bored--while the neighborhood has a completely unique feel of its own, it is located in the heart of Queens, New York and minutes away from New York City and all the Big Apple has to offer. Seniors can also enjoy the fact that they can live among many of their peers. This is because Flushing, New York has a rapidly growing population of seniors age 60 and older. More and more seniors are loving living in this fun, urban community.
However, there is more for seniors to love about Flushing than a large senior population, this city is also full of many senior resources and activities and amenities that will keep seniors loving life in the Big Apple--and more importantly in fabulous, Flushing, New York.
Flushing, NY Senior Resources
There are plenty of resources available for older adults living in Flushing, NY--all dedicated to helping seniors enjoy their best life while living in Flushing. This includes the Pomonok Senior Center--which is sponsored by the New York Housing Authority. Located right in the center of Flushing--this senior center has something for every senior living in this area. This includes activities such as Zumba classes, educational courses, arts and crafts activities and more. This is also a safe place for seniors to spend their afternoons while enjoying a hot meal every day.
There is also the Queens City Meals program. This program helps make sure that seniors in need are able to get the healthy, nutritious meals that they need--when they are unable to get these meals for themselves. According to the organization around 30 percent of all New Yorkers over the age of 65 live in Queens and 21 percent of them live below the federal poverty line. This organization makes sure these seniors avoid social isolation and hunger.
Fun Activities Seniors in Flushing, NY Can Enjoy
There are so many things for seniors living in Flushing to do--including visiting the popular Queens Zoo and the Queens Museum. These are both popular urban destinations for seniors living in the area, and fun places for seniors to spend the day with their family. They even have specialty senior discounts for those age 65 and older.
There is also the Flushing Meadows Corona Park, a great place for seniors to spend an afternoon enjoying the beautiful weather and walking trails of this area. However, one of the most popular spots in all of Flushing is the Queens Botanical Garden--one of the most beautiful urban botanical gardens in the country.