Assisted Living in Magee, Mississippi
There are 9 assisted living facilities serving Magee, Mississippi. This includes 1 facility in Magee and 8 nearby. Assisted living costs in Mississippi range from around $27 up to $263 daily, with a median cost running about $97. The monthly expense averages around $2,900 and ranges between $800 and $7,875. Annually, the mean cost is about $34,800, which is below the nationwide average of $42,000.
Costs for assisted living in Magee, MS typically range between $1,525 per month and $5,850 per month. The median cost is around $4,233 per month, or around $50,790 per year.
SeniorScore™ for Magee, Mississippi
The SeniorScore™ is calculated based on over 100 variables, some of which are shown below. The final score is curved based on a linear curving method. For More info visit
- Magee scores lower than the Mississippi average of 68.
- Magee scores significantly lower than the national average of 72.
- There is an average number of Medicare registered physicians within the city limits.
- There are 2 hospitals within close range of the city (Magee General Hospital and Simpson General Hospital Cah).
- There are 3 senior living facilities in close proximity to the city, including Hillcrest Nursing Center, Lakeview Place Assisted Living, and Bedford Care Center of Mendenhall.
- There is a very low number of home healthcare providers operating in the city.
- There is a low number of fire stations serving the city.
- The average life expectancy is 75.0, compared to the national average of 78.6.
- There are 25 pharmacies within close range of the city.
- The area has a low property crime rate.
- The area has a very low violent crime rate.
- The city has a low percentage of seniors in the population (26% of residents).
- There are 5 golf courses in or around the city, including Simpson County Country Club, Okatoma Golf Club, and Prentiss Country Club.
- There are 4 parks near the city center, including Tutor Funeral Home, Magee, Dry Creek Water Park, and Tutor Funeral Home, Mendenhall.
- There are 4 churches in or near the city, including Magee Church of God, Magee Church of Christ, and Athens Baptist Church.
- There is 1 mall / shopping center within close range of the city.
- There are 13 grocery stores within the city.
- There are no movie theatres in or near the city.
- There are no gyms or health clubs in or near the city.
- The property taxes average 0.97% of total income, which is significantly lower than the national average of 2.79%.
- The property taxes average 0.52% of property value, which is significantly lower than the national average of 1.09%.
- The city sales taxes averages 7.50%, which is higher than the national average of 6.97%.
- Mississippi has an average state income tax of 3.87%, compared to the national average of 3.38%.
- The city's mean household income is $49,169, which is significantly lower than the national average of $64,580.
- The city's median household income is $36,238, which is significantly lower than the national median of $51,560.
- The city's per capita income is $19,480, which is significantly lower than the national average of $25,611.
- Assisted living costs average $50,790 per year, which are very high compared to national figures.
- Nursing home costs average $71,540 per year, which are low compared to national costs.
- Adult daycare costs average $18,720 per year, which are high compared to national numbers.
- Home healthcare costs average $38,324 annually, which are very low compared to national costs.
- The unemployment rate is about 8.82%, which is average compared to national averages.
- The overall cost of living is low compared to national averages.
- 1% of the senior population are financially responsible for at least one grandchild.
- Magee receives very high levels of rainfall each year.
- Magee has ideal mean temperatures, with very mild winters and very warm summers.
- This city has very poor air quality.
- Magee has a very sparse population density of 74.9 people per square mile.
- Residents of Magee have a long daily commute time.
- The city has a very low public transportation ridership.
- Magee has a very low public school quality ranking.
- The city has a very high public school safety rating.
- This city has a low graduation rate of 77.42%.
Magee is a small city in Simpson County in the State of Mississippi. It is part of the Jackson metro area. It has a population of 10,460, with 420,142 inhabitants in the surrounding statistical area. Those who are over 55 make up about 26% of the community.
Magee has an average SeniorScore™ of 63. The city's median household income is $36,000 ($19,000 per person), in comparison to the average of $34,000 for the whole of Mississippi. The median housing price in Magee is $132,000, which is higher than the state average of $114,000. Magee has a moderate unemployment rate of around 8.82%.
Magee has ideal mean temperatures, with very mild winters and very temperate summers. The area gets very heavy amounts of precipitation each year. In comparison to similarly-sized cities, Magee has a very low rate of crime and very low air quality.
More About Magee, Mississippi Top Assisted Living Facilities in Magee, Mississippi
Lakeview Place Assisted Living is a senior housing facility located at 1116 Frances Ave NW in Magee, Mississippi. The facility is in a primarily working class area, with a median per-family income of $32,463. With approximately 11,000 poeple ...
Bedford Care Center of Mendenhall is located at 925 West Mangum Ave in Mendenhall, Mississippi. It is a 60 unit senior housing facility. With a median family income of $39,000, the community is in a largely middle income ...
11 miles away from Magee, MS
Chateau Jorja - Christopher's Court is a senior housing community located at 219 Bass Rd in Florence, Mississippi. The community is in a largely middle income area, with an average household income of $45,994. With about 21,000 individuals ...
20 miles away from Magee, MS
Located at 2051 Ferguson Mill Rd, Heritage Manor Personal Care Home is a residential care facility in Silver Creek, Mississippi. With a median family income of $28,824, the facility is in a primarily working class area. It has ...
21 miles away from Magee, MS
Located at 100 Covington Ridge Pl, Covington Ridge is a senior community serving Collins, Mississippi. The surrounding area has an average population density, with around 11,000 individuals living in the 39428 zip code. With a median family ...
24 miles away from Magee, MS
Summerland Manor Assisted Living is a 48 room senior community. It is located at 12 Summerland Rd in Bay Springs, Mississippi. The facility is in a mostly working class area, with a median household income of $29,875. ...
26 miles away from Magee, MS
Located at 15 A South 6th St in Bay Springs, Mississippi, Jasper County Hospital Nursing Home is a 105 bed nursing care facility. The community is in a primarily working class area, with an average household income of ...
27 miles away from Magee, MS
Located at 1 Terrace Cir, Courtyard Terrace is a senior care facility serving Hebron, Nebraska. The encompassing area has a sparse population, with approximately 3,000 individuals residing in the zip code of 68370. With a median per-family income ...
28 miles away from Magee, MS
Blue Valley Lutheran Homes is a senior community located at 1 Terrace Cir in Hebron, Nebraska. With roughly 3,000 individuals residing in the 68370 zip code, the neighboring area is sparsely populated. It is a predominantly middle income ...
28 miles away from Magee, MS