There are 7 assisted living facilities in Mt Vernon, Illinois. Assisted living costs in Illinois range from about $35 up to $217 daily, with a median cost running around $127. The monthly cost averages around $3,805 and ranges between $1,048 and $6,500. On an annual basis, the average cost is about $45,654, which is over the US average of $42,000.
Mount Vernon is a small city in the State of Illinois. It is located in Jefferson County. While the city itself is home to 24,108 inhabitants, the encompassing area has a population of 1,300,421. Approximately 32% of the local residents are over 55.
Mount Vernon has an average SeniorScore™ of 69. The average housing price in the city is $133,500, which is less than the Illinois average of $187,500. Mount Vernon has a high unemployment rate of around 10.94%. The city's average household income is $40,000 ($24,000 per capita), vs the average of $54,000 for the entire state of Illinois.
Mount Vernon has medium mean temperatures, with medium winters and pleasant summers. The area receives high amounts of precipitation annually. Mount Vernon has a very high rate of crime and moderate air quality ratings in comparison to other American cities.