Frequently Asked Questions
How much is assisted living in Connecticut?
The average price of assisted living in Connecticut is about $176 daily (ranging from $67 to $307), $5,289 per month (ranging from $2,000 to $9,200), and $63,468 yearly (ranging from $24,000 to $110,400). By comparison, the US averages are $117 daily, $3,500 per month, and $42,000 yearly.
What does assisted living include?
Many assisted living facilities provide care in both shared and private rooms. They typically offer numerous services including 24-hour supervision, incontinence care, help with chores, transportation assitance, and assistance with medication.
Does Medicaid cover assisted living in New Milford?
There are a few assisted living communities in New Milford accepting Medicaid, including BridgePort Healthcare Center, Edgewood Manor of Lucasville I, Edgewood Manor of Lucasville II, Hill View Retirement Center, and Apple Rehab Watertown.
How many seniors live in New Milford?
Though the surrounding metropolitan area has 120,965 inhabitants, there are 26,889 living inside the city itself. The 55+ community constitutes approximately 25% of the total population.