Frequently Asked Questions
What does assisted living cost in the state of Michigan?
The average price of assisted living in Michigan is about $107 per day (ranging from $25 to $262), $3,200 per month (ranging from $750 to $7,850), and $38,400 yearly (ranging from $9,000 to $94,200). By comparison, the US averages are $117 per day, $3,500 per month, and $42,000 yearly.
How much do assisted living communities cost in Romulus?
The price of assisted living in Romulus, Michigan ranges between around $800 and $6,600 per month. The average cost is around $3,600 per month, or about $43,200 yearly.
What services are included with assisted living?
Many assisted living facilities offer care in both private and shared rooms. They generally offer numerous services including wellness activities, toileting assistance, transportation services, basic medical care, and help getting dressed.
Does Medicaid cover assisted living in Romulus?
There are multiple assisted living facilities in Romulus that take Medicaid, which include Tendercare Health and Rehabilitation Center of Taylor, West Hickory Haven, Church of Christ Care Center, The Lakeland Center, and Jefferson Riverview Health and Rehab Center.
What is the senior population of Romulus?
Though the encompassing metropolitan area is home to 4,313,187 residents, there are 31,515 living in the city. The 55-and-over community currently constitutes about 22% of the overall population.