Assisted Living in Waverly, Iowa
There are 20 assisted living facilities serving Waverly, Iowa. This includes 3 facilities in Waverly and 17 nearby. The daily costs for assisted living in Iowa range from $31 up to $287, with an average cost running about $114. The per month expense averages around $3,418 and ranges between $930 and $8,620. Annually, the mean cost is about $41,016, which is under the national average of $42,000.
The cost of assisted living in Waverly, IA can range from as little as $2,469 per month up to $5,400 per month. The median cost is around $3,300 per month, or around $39,600 annually.
SeniorScore™ for Waverly, Iowa
The SeniorScore™ is calculated based on over 100 variables, some of which are shown below. The final score is curved based on a linear curving method. For More info visit
- Waverly scores lower than the Iowa average of 75.
- Waverly scores higher than the national average of 72.
- There is an average number of Medicare registered physicians within the city limits.
- There is 1 hospital within close range of the city (Waverly Health Center).
- There are 11 senior living facilities in close proximity to the city, including Dettmer House, Crestwood Home, and Bartels Lutheran Nursing Care at Woodland Terrace.
- There is a low number of home healthcare providers operating in the city.
- There is a high number of fire stations serving the city.
- The average life expectancy is 79.7, compared to the national average of 78.6.
- There are 30 pharmacies within close range of the city.
- The area has a low property crime rate.
- The area has a high violent crime rate.
- The city has an average percentage of seniors in the population (28% of residents).
- There are 27 golf courses in or around the city, including Waverly Golf Course, Willow Run Country Club, and Maple Hills Country Club.
- There are 6 parks near the city center, including Prairie Park, Hickory Heights Park, and Cedar Bend County Park.
- There are 4 churches in or near the city, including Area 267, Baptist Church First, and Clarksville Church of Christ.
- There are 2 malls / shopping centers within close range of the city.
- There are 8 grocery stores within the city.
- There is 1 movie theatre in or near the city.
- There are 6 gyms or health clubs in or near the city.
- The property taxes average 2.64% of total income, which is lower than the national average of 2.79%.
- The property taxes average 1.24% of property value, which is significantly lower than the national average of 1.09%.
- The city sales taxes averages 7.00%, which is higher than the national average of 6.97%.
- Iowa has an average state income tax of 4.60%, compared to the national average of 3.38%.
- The city's mean household income is $73,296, which is significantly higher than the national average of $64,580.
- The city's median household income is $59,690, which is significantly higher than the national median of $51,560.
- The city's per capita income is $27,316, which is higher than the national average of $25,611.
- Assisted living costs average $39,600 per year, which are average compared to national figures.
- Nursing home costs average $75,373 per year, which are low compared to national costs.
- Adult daycare costs average $14,300 per year, which are very low compared to national numbers.
- Home healthcare costs average $52,624 annually, which are very high compared to national costs.
- The unemployment rate is about 6.22%, which is low compared to national averages.
- The overall cost of living is low compared to national averages.
- 0% of the senior population are financially responsible for at least one grandchild.
- Waverly receives low levels of rainfall each year.
- Waverly has very harsh mean temperatures, with cold winters and pleasant summers.
- This city has above average air quality.
- Waverly has a very sparse population density of 97.6 people per square mile.
- Residents of Waverly have a very short daily commute time.
- The city has a very low public transportation ridership.
- Waverly has a high public school quality ranking.
- The city has a low public school safety rating.
- This city has a very high graduation rate of 94.03%.
Waverly is a small city in Iowa. It is located in Bremer County and is part of the Waterloo-Cedar Falls metropolitan statistical area. While the encompassing metropolitan area includes 127,844 people, there are 12,131 within the city itself. The senior community currently composes around 28% of the total population.
Waverly has an above average SeniorScore™ of 73. The city has an average per capita income of $27,000 and an average household income is $60,000 (the Iowa state average is $52,000). The current unemployment rate is around 6.22% and the average home price is $241,500, which is much higher than the Iowa average of $153,000.
Waverly has harsh average temperatures, with cold winters and pleasant summers. The area gets low levels of precipitation each year. In comparison to other cities, Waverly has a high crime rate and above average air quality.
More About Waverly, Iowa Top Assisted Living Facilities in Waverly, Iowa
Dettmer House is a senior housing community located at 124 5th St NE in Waverly, Iowa. The facility is in a primarily middle class area, with a median family income of $53,895. With roughly 13,000 people residing in ...
Linden Place at Bartels Lutheran Retirement Community is a senior housing community located at 1802 5th Ave NW in Waverly, Iowa. The community is in a predominantly middle income area, with a median per-household income of $53,895. With ...
Located at 1018 2nd St SE, Crestwood Home is a senior housing community in Waverly, Iowa. The surrounding area has a medium-density population, with about 13,000 individuals residing in the 50677 zip code. With a median family income ...
Country View is a 134 bed senior community situated in Waterloo, Iowa. The community is in a largely working class area, with an average per-family income of $32,059. With around 21,000 individuals residing in the 50703 zip code, ...
11 miles away from Waverly, IA
Tripoli Nursing and Rehab is a 32 bed skilled nursing facility located in Tripoli, Iowa. The surrounding area is sparsely populated, with approximately 3,000 individuals living in the 50676 zip code. With a median per-family income of $56,802, ...
12 miles away from Waverly, IA
Clarksville Skilled Nursing and Rehabilitation Center is a 42 bed nursing home facility located in Clarksville, Iowa. The facility is in a predominantly middle class area, with a median family income of $54,048. With approximately 3,000 individuals residing ...
12 miles away from Waverly, IA
Clarksville Community Retirement Village is a senior care community located at 515 W Prospect St in Clarksville, Iowa. The surrounding area has a sparse population, with about 3,000 residents in the zip code of 50619. It is a ...
12 miles away from Waverly, IA
Cedar Falls Health Care Center is located at 1728 West 8th St in Cedar Falls, Iowa. It is an 82 room nursing facility. With an average per-household income of $48,735, the facility is in a mostly middle income ...
13 miles away from Waverly, IA
Located at 420 E 11th St, Western Home Communities is a senior housing facility serving Cedar Falls, Iowa. The surrounding area has a dense population, with roughly 43,000 people residing in the zip code of 50613. It is ...
13 miles away from Waverly, IA
Located at 420 East 11th St in Cedar Falls, Iowa, Elizabeth E. Martin Health Center is a 100 bed nursing home facility. With around 43,000 individuals residing in the zip code of 50613, the surrounding area is heavily ...
13 miles away from Waverly, IA
Located at 7511 University Ave in Cedar Falls, Iowa, Newaldaya Lifescapes is a 135 room senior housing community. The neighboring area has a dense population, with about 43,000 residents in the 50613 zip code. With an average family ...
14 miles away from Waverly, IA
Located at 118 Vincent Rd, Rosewood Estate is a senior housing community in Waterloo, Iowa. The facility is in a predominantly middle income area, with an average family income of $47,511. It is heavily populated, with roughly 31,000 ...
15 miles away from Waverly, IA
Bickford of Cedar Falls is a senior housing facility located at 5101 University Ave in Cedar Falls, Iowa. The community is in a largely middle class area, with a median household income of $48,735. It is densely populated, ...
15 miles away from Waverly, IA
Mallard Point is a senior care community located at 2603 Orchard Dr in Cedar Falls, Iowa. The community is in a primarily middle class area, with a median household income of $48,735. With roughly 43,000 residents in the ...
15 miles away from Waverly, IA
The Rose of Waterloo is a senior housing community located at 421 Oak Ave in Waterloo, Iowa. The neighboring area has a medium-density population, with roughly 21,000 individuals residing in the zip code of 50703. It is a ...
16 miles away from Waverly, IA
Cedar Vale Assisted Living is a senior community located at 100 Poppy Ln in Nashua, Iowa. The community is in a primarily middle class area, with a median per-family income of $35,317. With around 4,000 poeple living in ...
17 miles away from Waverly, IA
Located at 214 Washington St, Bridges is a senior care community serving Waterloo, Iowa. The facility is in a mostly middle income area, with an average per-household income of $47,511. It is densely populated, with roughly 31,000 individuals ...
17 miles away from Waverly, IA
Landmark Commons is a senior care community located at 1400 Maxhelen Blvd Ofc in Waterloo, Iowa. The facility is in a predominantly middle class area, with a median family income of $47,511. With roughly 31,000 people residing in ...
17 miles away from Waverly, IA
Rehabilitation Center of Allison is a 60 room nursing home facility. It is located at 900 7th Street West in Allison, Iowa. With around 3,000 individuals living in the 50602 zip code, the surrounding area is sparsely populated. ...
17 miles away from Waverly, IA
Located at 159 Woodstock Rd, Rose of Waterloo is a senior care facility in Waterloo, Iowa. The community is in a largely middle income area, with a median family income of $47,511. With around 31,000 residents in the ...
18 miles away from Waverly, IA