There are 21 residential care homes in Eau Claire, Wisconsin. The average cost per day of senior residential care in Wisconsin is around $96, with costs running between $23 and $244 daily. On a monthly basis, this equates to a median expense of $2,888, with costs ranging from around $683 up to $7,313. The average yearly cost is $34,650, which is over the nationwide average of $31,500.
The cost of residential care in Eau Claire ranges from about $2,213 per month up to $4,433 per month. The average cost is $3,169 per month, or around $38,025 yearly.
Eau Claire is a medium sized city in Eau Claire County, Wisconsin. With 81,075 residents living within the city itself and 126,056 in the encompassing statistical area, it is the eighth biggest city in Wisconsin. Residents who are over the age of 55 compose about 23% of the total community.
Eau Claire has a good SeniorScore™ of 72. The median housing price in the city is $150,000, which is significantly less than the Wisconsin average of $234,000. Eau Claire also has an average unemployment rate of around 6.59%. The city's median household income is $47,000 ($25,000 per capita), compared to the average of $52,000 for the whole of Wisconsin.
Eau Claire has extreme mean temperatures, with severely cold winters and mildly warm summers. The area gets low levels of rainfall each year. In relation to similarly-sized cities, Eau Claire has a low rate of crime and good air quality ratings.