There is 1 home care agency in Concord, New Hampshire. In home care costs in New Hampshire range from around $160 up to $216 daily, with a median cost running around $200. The monthly cost averages about $6,000 and ranges between $4,800 and $6,480. Annually, the average cost is around $56,056, which is over the US average of $45,188.
Home healthcare costs in Concord range from around $19 per hour up to $20 per hour, with an average cost of around $20 per hour. That equates to an annual cost of $44,616.
Located within Merrimack County, Concord is the capital of the State of New Hampshire. It is the third biggest city in the state, with 48,532 people residing within the city limits and 414,257 in the encompassing statistical area. 27% of the population are over the age of 55.
The SeniorScore™ for Concord is 71. The average housing price in the city is $159,000, which is much lower than the New Hampshire average of $358,500. Concord also has a moderate unemployment rate of about 6.42%. The city's average household income is $55,000 ($30,000 per person), vs the average of $65,000 for the entire state of New Hampshire.
Concord has harsh mean temperatures, with severely cold winters and pleasant summers. The area receives average levels of precipitation annually. In relation to similarly-sized cities, Concord has better than average air quality ratings and a low rate of crime.