There are 2 home care agencies in Ladysmith, Wisconsin. The median cost per day for home healthcare in Wisconsin is $176, with costs ranging between $136 and $256 daily. On a per month basis, this equates to a mean cost of $5,280, with costs ranging from about $4,080 to $7,680. The median yearly cost is $50,336, which is over the US average of $45,188.
Ladysmith is a small city in Rusk County, Wisconsin. The city has a population of 6,141, with 1,281,294 people in the surrounding area. Those who are over 55 represent approximately 34% of the total community.
Ladysmith has a moderate SeniorScore™ of 66. The city's mean household income is $39,000 ($21,000 on a per capita basis), vs an average of $52,000 for the entire state of Wisconsin. The mean housing price in Ladysmith is $159,000, which is significantly lower than the state average of $234,000. The city also has a moderate unemployment rate of about 6.28%.
Ladysmith has very harsh mean temperatures, with very cold winters and calm summers. The city gets low amounts of rainfall each year. Ladysmith has good air quality and a very low rate of crime in comparison to other American cities.