Home Care in Onamia, Minnesota
There is 1 home care agency in Onamia, Minnesota. The daily costs of home healthcare in Minnesota range from $120 to $312, with a median cost running around $208. The monthly expense averages around $6,240 and ranges between $3,600 and $9,360. Yearly, the average cost is around $58,916, which is higher than the US average of $45,188.
The cost for home care in Onamia can range from about $21 per hour all the way up to $28 per hour. The average cost is around $25 per hour, or around $56,628 annually.
Onamia is a small city in the State of Minnesota. It is located within Mille Lacs County. While the surrounding area is home to 1,077,918 inhabitants, there are only 3,878 within the city itself. Approximately 29% of the population are over 55.
Onamia has a below average SeniorScore™ of 54. The city's average household income is $35,000 ($18,000 per capita), versus an average of $53,000 for the entire state of Minnesota. The average home price in Onamia is $211,500, which is higher than the state average of $211,500. Onamia also has a high unemployment rate of about 16.15%.
Onamia has harsh average temperatures, with severely cold winters and mildly warm summers. The area receives low amounts of rain annually. Onamia has good air quality compared to other cities in the United States.
More About Onamia, Minnesota Top Home Care Agencies in Onamia, Minnesota
Located in Onamia, Minnesota at 200 Elm Street North, Mille Lacs Home Care is a home care provider that offers in-home personal care services as well as in-home nursing care. Since 1985, they have been serving clients throughout the Onamia ...