Home Care in Prescott, Arkansas
There is 1 home care agency in Prescott, Arkansas. The costs per day of in-home care in Arkansas range from $112 to $184, with a median expenditure running about $136. The per month cost averages roughly $4,080 and ranges between $3,360 and $5,520. Annually, the mean cost is around $38,896, which is less than the national average of $45,188.
Costs for home care in Prescott, AR range between $18 per hour and $23 per hour. The median cost is around $20 per hour, or around $45,760 yearly.
Prescott is a small city in Nevada County within Arkansas. While the surrounding area includes 813,489 inhabitants, there are 5,894 residing in the city limits. People 55 and over constitute 31% of the total community.
Prescott has a medium SeniorScore™ of 63. The city's median household income is $37,000 ($20,000 per person), vs the average of $35,000 for the state of Arkansas. The median home price in Prescott is $100,500, which is less than the state average of $117,000. The city has a high unemployment rate of roughly 14.38%.
Prescott has ideal mean temperatures, with very mild winters and very balmy summers. The city receives very heavy amounts of rainfall each year. Prescott has an average crime rate and exceptional air quality in relation to other cities in the US.
More About Prescott, Arkansas Top Home Care Agencies in Prescott, Arkansas
Located in Prescott, AR at 1501 West 1st Street North, Nevada County Health Unit is a home healthcare provider that offers home healthcare and also in-home care. They have been serving customers in Arkansas for nearly 50 years. They offer ...