There are 4 home care agencies in Provo, Utah. The daily costs of home health care in Utah range from $120 to $200, with a median expense running around $168. The per month expense averages around $5,040 and ranges between $3,600 and $6,000. Annually, the mean cost is around $48,048, which is over the national average of $45,188.
Home care costs in Provo range from around $21 per hour up to $25 per hour, with an average cost of around $21 per hour. This equates to a yearly cost of $48,620.
Located within Utah County, Provo is a medium-sized city in the State of Utah. With 2,070,167 inhabitants in the encompassing metropolitan area and 112,922 living inside the city limits, it is the 4th largest city in Utah. Residents 55 and over constitute 11% of the total population.
Provo has a good SeniorScore™ of 70. The city's average household income is $42,000 ($17,000 on a per capita basis), in comparison to the average of $54,000 for the entire state of Utah. The average housing price in Provo is $151,500, which is much less than the Utah average of $271,500. The city has a moderate unemployment rate of about 7%.
Provo has harsh mean temperatures, with cold winters and pleasant summers. The area receives optimal levels of precipitation each year. Compared to other cities in the United States, Provo has very poor air quality ratings.