There is 1 home care agency in Sewell, New Jersey. In-home care costs in New Jersey range from around $112 to $224 daily, with a median cost running approximately $168. The per month expense averages roughly $5,040 and ranges between $3,360 and $6,720. Yearly, the median cost is around $48,345, which is above the US average of $45,188.
The cost for home healthcare in Sewell ranges from about $15 per hour to $25 per hour. The median cost is approximately $22 per hour, or about $50,336 per year.
Located in Gloucester County, Sewell is a small city in New Jersey. It is included in the Philadelphia-Camden-Wilmington metro statistical area. While the encompassing metropolitan area has 1,094,871 people, there are 37,433 living within the city. Approximately 26% of the population are over 55.
Sewell has a good SeniorScore™ of 75. The city's median household income is $90,000 ($37,000 on a per capita basis), compared to an average of $84,000 for the entire state of New Jersey. The median housing price in Sewell is $394,500, which is somewhat less than the state average of $547,500. Sewell has an average unemployment rate of about 7.98%.
Sewell has moderate average temperatures, with comfortable winters and calm summers. The area gets heavy amounts of rain each year. Compared to similarly-sized cities, Sewell has low air quality and low water quality.