There are 3 home care agencies in Tupelo, Mississippi. The daily costs of in-home care in Mississippi range from $104 up to $224, with an average expense running approximately $136. The monthly expense averages roughly $4,080 and ranges between $3,120 and $6,720. On an annual basis, the mean cost is around $38,621, which is less than the national average of $45,188.
Located within Lee County, Tupelo is a small city in Mississippi. With 47,156 residents living within the city limits and 1,188,211 in the encompassing statistical area, it is the ninth largest city in the state. The 55+ community constitutes about 25% of the total population.
Tupelo has an above average SeniorScore™ of 74. The mean home price in the city is $87,000, which is relatively less than the Mississippi average of $114,000. Tupelo has a moderate unemployment rate of roughly 7.56%. The city's mean household income is $38,000 ($23,000 per capita), in comparison to an average of $34,000 for the entire state of Mississippi.
Tupelo has ideal average temperatures, with very mild winters and warm summers. The city receives very large amounts of rain each year. Compared to other cities, Tupelo has better than average air quality ratings.