There are 20 hospice facilities serving Belton, Missouri. This includes 2 facilities in Belton and 18 nearby. The mean cost per day of hospice care in Missouri is around $153, with costs ranging between $111 and $200 per day. On a monthly basis, this equates to a mean expenditure of $4,590, with costs ranging from around $3,330 to $6,000. The mean yearly cost is $55,080, which is on par with the national average of $55,080.
Located within Cass County, Belton is a small city in Missouri. It is part of the Kansas City metro area. While the city contains 27,260 people, the surrounding metro area includes a populace of 948,048. 23% of the local populace are over the age of 55.
Belton has a good SeniorScore™ of 73. The city has a mean per capita income of $25,000 and a mean household income is $52,000 (the Missouri state average is $43,000). The current unemployment rate is about 7.46% and the mean housing price is $189,000, which is higher than the Missouri average of $153,000.
Belton has moderate average temperatures, with moderate winters and mildly warm summers. The area receives average amounts of rain annually. In relation to similarly-sized cities, Belton has a moderate rate of crime and moderate air quality.