There are 18 hospice facilities serving Decatur, Illinois. This includes 10 facilities in Decatur and 8 nearby. The daily costs for hospice in Illinois range from $111 up to $200, with an average expense running approximately $153. The per month expense averages about $4,590 and ranges between $3,330 and $6,000. Yearly, the average cost is about $55,080, which is the same as the national average of $55,080.
Decatur is a mid-size city in Macon County, Illinois. While the surrounding metropolitan area contains 88,056 people, there are 87,793 living inside the city limits. Residents who are over 55 compose around 30% of the population.
Decatur has a good SeniorScore™ of 75. The city's average household income is $42,000 ($24,000 on a per capita basis), vs the average of $54,000 for the state of Illinois. The average home price in Decatur is $63,000, which is significantly less than the state average of $187,500. The city also has a high unemployment rate of roughly 10.13%.
Decatur has moderate average temperatures, with moderate winters and mildly warm summers. The area receives average amounts of precipitation annually. Decatur has a higher than average crime rate and lower than average air quality ratings in relation to other cities in the United States.