There are 20 hospice facilities serving Jackson, Michigan. This includes 3 facilities in Jackson and 17 nearby. Hospice costs in Michigan range from about $111 up to $200 per day, with a median expenditure running about $153. The monthly cost averages roughly $4,590 and ranges between $3,330 and $6,000. Yearly, the median cost is about $55,080, which is the same as the national average of $55,080.
Jackson is a mid size city in Jackson County, Michigan. Though the surrounding statistical area includes 122,671 inhabitants, there are 104,131 living inside the city limits. 26% of the population are over the age of 55.
Jackson has an average SeniorScore™ of 69. The city has a mean per capita income of $21,000. The mean household income is $44,000 versus an average of $46,000 for the entire state of Michigan. The current unemployment rate is about 12.27% and the mean housing price is $108,000, which is significantly less than the state average of $177,000.
Jackson has harsh average temperatures, with cold winters and mildly warm summers. The city receives low amounts of rainfall annually. Jackson has a very high rate of crime and subpar air quality ratings in relation to similarly-sized cities.