There are 19 independent living communities serving Eagle, Idaho. This includes 1 community in Eagle and 18 nearby. The daily costs of independent living in Idaho range from $18 up to $96, with a median cost running about $60. The monthly cost averages around $1,801 and ranges between $548 and $2,887. On a yearly basis, the average cost is around $21,615, which is below the national average of $23,100.
The cost of independent living in Eagle, ID can range from around $1,430 per month all the way up to $2,571 per month. The average cost is approximately $1,980 per month, or about $23,760 yearly.
Eagle is a small city in Ada County in the State of Idaho. It is included in the Boise City-Nampa metropolitan area. It has a total population of 22,780, with 470,396 people in the surrounding area. The 55+ community currently comprises 25% of the overall population.
Eagle has an above average SeniorScore™ of 74. The average home price in the city is $478,500, which is significantly more than the state average of $238,500. Eagle also has an average unemployment rate of about 5.8%. The city's average household income is $81,000 ($42,000 per person), compared to the average of $43,000 for the entire state of Idaho.
Eagle has harsh mean temperatures, with severely cold winters and pleasant summers. The area receives optimal levels of precipitation each year. Compared to similarly-sized cities, Eagle has below average air quality.