There are 4 independent living communities serving Grand Forks, North Dakota. This includes 1 community in Grand Forks and 3 nearby. Independent living costs in North Dakota range from around $20 up to $85 per day, with an average expenditure running approximately $57. The monthly expense averages roughly $1,707 and ranges between $594 and $2,543. Annually, the median cost is around $20,493, which is below the US average of $23,100.
The cost for independent living in Grand Forks ranges from as little as $650 per month all the way up to $2,888 per month. The average cost is approximately $1,576 per month, or around $18,906 per year.
Located within Grand Forks County, Grand Forks is a medium-sized city in the State of North Dakota. It is the 3rd largest city in North Dakota, with 54,948 people within the city itself and 48,710 in the surrounding metro area. The 55+ community currently constitutes about 20% of the overall population.
Grand Forks has an above average SeniorScore™ of 70. The median housing price in the city is $73,500, which is less than the North Dakota average of $126,000. Grand Forks has an average unemployment rate of approximately 5.08%. The city's median household income is $44,000 ($26,000 per person), vs an average of $53,000 for the entire state of North Dakota.
Grand Forks has harsh mean temperatures, with bitterly cold winters and pleasant summers. The city receives ideal levels of rain each year. In comparison to other cities in the US, Grand Forks has average air quality and a lower than average crime rate.