There are 16 independent living communities serving Green Valley, Arizona. This includes 6 communities in Green Valley and 10 nearby. Independent living costs in Arizona range from about $20 up to $123 per day, with a median cost running approximately $58. The monthly cost averages about $1,732 and ranges between $605 and $3,685. On a yearly basis, the median cost is around $20,790, which is under the national average of $23,100.
The cost for independent living in Green Valley, AZ typically ranges from about $1,238 per month all the way up to $3,053 per month. The median cost is approximately $2,063 per month, or around $24,750 annually.
Located in Pima County, Green Valley is a small city in Arizona. It has a total population of 28,220, with 4,437,076 people in the surrounding metro area. Approximately 81% of the residents are over 55.
Green Valley has a good SeniorScore™ of 75. The city's mean household income is $48,000 ($34,000 per capita), vs an average of $36,000 for the state of Arizona. The mean housing price in Green Valley is $304,500, which is more than the state average of $183,000. The city also has a moderate unemployment rate of roughly 5.32%.
Green Valley has ideal average temperatures, with comfortable winters and very balmy summers. The area gets optimal levels of rainfall annually. In comparison to similarly-sized cities, Green Valley has very poor air quality and poor water quality.