There are 12 independent living communities serving Holton, Kansas. This includes 1 community in Holton and 11 nearby. Independent living costs in Kansas range from around $31 to $128 daily, with a median expenditure running around $68. The monthly cost averages around $2,051 and ranges between $935 and $3,836. Yearly, the average cost is around $24,618, which is higher than the nationwide average of $23,100.
Costs of independent living in Holton, KS generally range between $1,788 per month and $3,575 per month. The median cost is $2,888 per month, or around $34,650 per year.
Located within Jackson County, Holton is a small city in Kansas. It is included in the Topeka metropolitan statistical area. While the city includes 5,879 inhabitants, the encompassing metro area includes a populace of 191,344. About 31% of the local populace are over the age of 55.
Holton has a moderate SeniorScore™ of 67. The city has a mean per capita income of $24,000. The mean household income is $53,000 versus the average of $48,000 for the whole of Kansas. The current unemployment rate is roughly 3.68% and the mean home price is $172,500, which is higher than the Kansas average of $127,500.
Holton has moderate average temperatures, with moderate winters and pleasant summers. The area gets average amounts of rain annually. In relation to other American cities, Holton has a lower than average crime rate and moderate air quality ratings.