There are 4 independent living communities serving Mayville, North Dakota. This includes 1 community in Mayville and 3 nearby. The median cost / day for independent living in North Dakota is approximately $57, with costs running between $20 and $85 per day. On a per month basis, this equates to a median cost of $1,707, with costs ranging from around $594 to $2,543. The median annual cost is $20,493, which is below the national average of $23,100.
Located within Traill County, Mayville is a municipality in North Dakota. While the surrounding statistical area contains 240,664 inhabitants, there are only 2,239 residing within the city. The senior community currently represents 33% of the overall population.
Mayville has a moderate SeniorScore™ of 63. The city has a mean per capita income of $23,000. The median household income is $42,000 compared to an average of $53,000 for the whole of North Dakota. The current unemployment rate is roughly 3.2% and the median home price is $145,500, which is relatively higher than the state average of $126,000.
Mayville has extreme mean temperatures, with very cold winters and pleasant summers. The area gets optimal levels of rainfall each year. Mayville has moderate air quality ratings in comparison to other cities in the US.