There are 18 independent living communities serving Red Wing, Minnesota. This includes 4 communities in Red Wing and 14 nearby. The median daily cost of independent living in Minnesota is about $62, with costs ranging between $16 and $132 daily. On a per month basis, this equates to a median cost of $1,871, with costs ranging from around $476 to $3,960. The median annual cost is $22,456, which is below the US average of $23,100.
Costs for independent living in Red Wing generally range between $1,252 per month and $2,533 per month. The average cost is approximately $1,962 per month, or about $23,546 per year.
Red Wing is a small city in Minnesota. It is located in Goodhue County. The surrounding area includes 1,077,918 people, but there are 18,564 within the city. Those who are over 55 comprise 31% of the total community.
Red Wing has a medium SeniorScore™ of 67. The average home price in the city is $252,000, which is somewhat higher than the state average of $211,500. Red Wing also has a moderate unemployment rate of approximately 5.78%. The city's average household income is $51,000 ($28,000 on a per capita basis), compared to the average of $53,000 for the whole of Minnesota.
Red Wing has extreme average temperatures, with very cold winters and calm summers. The area gets low amounts of rainfall annually. Red Wing has better than average air quality and a low rate of crime in comparison to other American cities.