There are 20 independent living communities serving Republic, Missouri. This includes 1 community in Republic and 19 nearby. Independent living costs in Missouri range from about $20 to $124 daily, with a mean expense running approximately $46. The per month expense averages about $1,375 and ranges between $602 and $3,729. On a yearly basis, the average cost is about $16,500, which is under the nationwide average of $23,100.
Costs of independent living in Republic, MO generally range between $825 per month and $2,607 per month. The median cost is approximately $1,097 per month, or around $13,167 per year.
Republic is a small city in Greene County within Missouri. It is included in the Springfield metropolitan area. The surrounding metropolitan area is home to 338,994 residents, but there are 17,550 living inside the city. The senior community represents approximately 21% of the total population.
Republic has a moderate SeniorScore™ of 69. The city's mean household income is $50,000 ($23,000 on a per capita basis), in comparison to an average of $43,000 for the whole of Missouri. The mean home price in Republic is $181,500, which is somewhat higher than the state average of $153,000. Republic has an average unemployment rate of roughly 5.71%.
Republic has mild mean temperatures, with comfortable winters and balmy summers. The city gets high amounts of rain each year. Republic has moderate air quality and a low crime rate in relation to similarly-sized cities.