There are 18 independent living communities serving Rockford, Illinois. This includes 17 communities in Rockford and 1 nearby. Independent living costs in Illinois range from around $19 to $119 per day, with an average cost running about $70. The monthly expense averages roughly $2,092 and ranges between $576 and $3,575. Yearly, the average cost is about $25,109, which is above the national average of $23,100.
The cost of independent living in Rockford, IL ranges from around $2,228 per month all the way up to $3,163 per month. The median cost is about $2,501 per month, or around $30,012 annually.
Located in Winnebago County, Rockford is a mid size city in the State of Illinois. It is the 3rd biggest city in the state, with 189,162 people living inside the city itself and 286,509 in the encompassing metropolitan area. People who are over the age of 55 constitute 27% of the total population.
Rockford has a moderate SeniorScore™ of 68. The city has an average per capita income of $23,000 and an average household income is $42,000 (the Illinois state average is $54,000). The median housing price in Rockford is $90,000, which is significantly lower than the Illinois average of $187,500. The city also has a high unemployment rate of roughly 12.81%.
Rockford has harsh mean temperatures, with cold winters and pleasant summers. The area gets average levels of rain each year. In relation to other cities, Rockford has better than average air quality ratings and a very high crime rate.