There are 20 independent living communities serving Spring Run, Pennsylvania. This includes 1 community in Spring Run and 19 nearby. The daily costs for independent living in Pennsylvania range from $17 up to $141, with a median cost running around $60. The monthly cost averages about $1,804 and ranges between $508 and $4,222. Yearly, the mean cost is around $21,648, which is less than the national average of $23,100.
Independent living costs in Spring Run range from $1,795 per month to $3,383 per month, with an average cost of around $2,508 per month. That equates to a yearly cost of about $30,096.
Located within Franklin County, Spring Run is a small town in Pennsylvania. It has a total population of only 1,462, with 1,546,595 inhabitants in the encompassing statistical area. Those who are 55 and over constitute about 26% of the total community.
Spring Run has a moderate SeniorScore™ of 60. The city's average household income is $43,000 ($20,000 on a per capita basis), vs an average of $51,000 for the entire state of Pennsylvania. The average housing price in Spring Run is $241,500, which is higher than the Pennsylvania average of $213,000. Spring Run has a low unemployment rate of about 1.48%.
Spring Run has tolerable average temperatures, with tolerable winters and mildly warm summers. The area gets average levels of rain annually. Spring Run has above average air quality compared to similarly-sized cities.