There are 20 memory care communities serving Aplington, Iowa. This includes 1 community in Aplington and 19 nearby. The average daily cost for memory care in Iowa is about $165, with costs running between $45 and $417 daily. On a monthly basis, this equates to a mean expenditure of $4,956, with costs ranging from about $1,348 up to $12,499. The average yearly cost is $59,473, which is below the national average of $60,900.
Located within Butler County, Aplington is a municipality in Iowa. Though the encompassing metropolitan area includes 1,020,762 people, there are just 1,850 residing within the city limits. Around 35% of the residents are over the age of 55.
The SeniorScore™ for Aplington is 69. The city has an average per capita income of $22,000. The median household income is $47,000 versus an average of $52,000 for the state of Iowa. The current unemployment rate is around 7.27% and the median housing price is $141,000, which is relatively less than the Iowa average of $153,000.
Aplington has very harsh mean temperatures, with very cold winters and pleasant summers. The city gets low levels of rain annually. Compared to other cities in the United States, Aplington has good air quality.