There are 19 memory care communities serving South Dennis, Massachusetts. This includes 1 community in South Dennis and 18 nearby. Memory care costs in Massachusetts range from around $61 up to $368 daily, with an average expense running approximately $254. The monthly expense averages around $7,608 and ranges between $1,831 and $11,038. On a yearly basis, the average cost is about $91,297, which is above the nationwide average of $60,900.
South Dennis is a small city in Massachusetts. It is located in Barnstable County and is part of the Barnstable Town metropolitan area. Though the city has 6,261 people, the surrounding metro area includes a populace of 195,813. Approximately 48% of the local residents are over 55.
South Dennis has a good SeniorScore™ of 77. The median home price in the city is $495,000, which is somewhat less than the state average of $514,500. South Dennis also has a moderate unemployment rate of about 6.18%. The city's median household income is $50,000 ($28,000 on a per capita basis), versus an average of $73,000 for the entire state of Massachusetts.
South Dennis has extreme mean temperatures, with moderate winters and mildly warm summers. The city receives large amounts of precipitation each year. In relation to other American cities, South Dennis has above average air quality.