There are 20 nursing homes serving Arnold, Maryland. This includes 1 in Arnold and 19 nearby. Nursing home care costs in Maryland range from about $165 to $628 per day, with an average expense running approximately $270. The per month cost averages around $8,100 and ranges between $4,950 and $18,840. On an annual basis, the mean cost is about $98,368, which is over the national average of $77,380.
Nursing home care costs in Arnold generally range from around $295 per day to $464 per day, with a median cost of approximately $328 per day. That equates to a yearly cost of around $119,720.
Arnold is a small city in Maryland. It is located in Anne Arundel County and is included in the Baltimore-Towson metropolitan statistical area. Though the city itself has 21,317 people, the surrounding area contains a populace of 2,138,507. Approximately 26% of the residents are 55 and over.
The SeniorScore™ for Arnold is 82. The city's median household income is $104,000 ($48,000 per person), compared to an average of $75,000 for the entire state of Maryland. The median home price in Arnold is $585,000, which is higher than the state average of $450,000. Arnold has a low unemployment rate of roughly 2.82%.
Arnold has mild average temperatures, with comfortable winters and temperate summers. The city receives average amounts of precipitation each year. In comparison to other American cities, Arnold has lower than average water quality ratings and lower than average air quality ratings.