There are 20 nursing homes serving Attica, Indiana. This includes 1 in Attica and 19 nearby. The median cost per day of nursing home care in Indiana is $199, with costs ranging between $124 and $400 per day. On a monthly basis, this equates to a mean expenditure of $5,970, with costs ranging from around $3,720 up to $12,000. The median annual cost is $72,635, which is under the nationwide average of $77,380.
Attica is a small city in Fountain County, Indiana. While the surrounding metropolitan area has 1,151,549 inhabitants, there are 6,321 residing in the city limits. Around 28% of the population are 55 and over.
Attica has an average SeniorScore™ of 65. The city has a mean per capita income of $22,000. The median household income is $44,000 compared to the average of $49,000 for the state of Indiana. The current unemployment rate is around 8.65% and the median home price is $147,000, which is lower than the state average of $163,500.
Attica has tolerable average temperatures, with tolerable winters and calm summers. The area receives low levels of rainfall each year. In relation to similarly-sized cities, Attica has exceptional air quality.