There are 20 nursing homes serving Avon, Connecticut. This includes 5 in Avon and 15 nearby. The daily costs of nursing home care in Connecticut range from $266 up to $550, with a median expense running around $390. The per month expense averages around $11,700 and ranges between $7,980 and $16,500. On an annual basis, the mean cost is around $142,168, which is over the US average of $77,380.
Costs of nursing home care in Avon, CT typically range between $350 per day and $476 per day. The average cost is approximately $440 per day, or around $160,600 per year.
Avon is a small city in the State of Connecticut. It is located in Hartford County and is part of the Hartford-West Hartford-East Hartford metropolitan statistical area. While the encompassing metro area contains 990,086 people, there are 18,385 residing in the city itself. Residents over 55 represent 32% of the community.
Avon has an exceptional SeniorScore™ of 82. The city's average household income is $106,000 ($59,000 per person), in comparison to an average of $79,000 for the state of Connecticut. The average home price in Avon is $558,000, which is higher than the Connecticut average of $456,000. The city has a moderate unemployment rate of about 6.64%.
Avon has extreme mean temperatures, with cold winters and calm summers. The area receives very large amounts of rain annually. Avon has a very low rate of crime, very poor air quality ratings, and better than average water quality in comparison to other American cities.