There are 19 nursing homes serving Boonsboro, Maryland. This includes 3 in Boonsboro and 16 nearby. The mean cost / day for nursing home care in Maryland is $270, with costs ranging between $165 and $628 per day. On a monthly basis, this equates to a mean cost of $8,100, with costs ranging from around $4,950 to $18,840. The mean annual cost is $98,368, which is higher than the national average of $77,380.
The cost of nursing home care in Boonsboro, MD can range from about $265 per day all the way up to $400 per day. The median cost is around $320 per day, or around $116,618 per year.
Boonsboro is a small city in Washington County, Maryland. It is part of the Hagerstown-Martinsburg metropolitan statistical area. The surrounding area has 115,838 people, but there are 9,502 living inside the city. About 30% of the local residents are over 55.
Boonsboro has an outstanding SeniorScore™ of 84. The median home price in the city is $351,000, which is less than the state average of $450,000. Boonsboro has a low unemployment rate of about 4.34%. The city's median household income is $74,000 ($36,000 per capita), vs an average of $75,000 for the state of Maryland.
Boonsboro has tolerable mean temperatures, with tolerable winters and pleasant summers. The city gets average amounts of rain annually. Boonsboro has a very low crime rate and very poor air quality ratings in comparison to other cities.