There are 15 nursing homes serving Butler, Missouri. This includes 3 in Butler and 12 nearby. Nursing home care costs in Missouri range from around $115 to $249 per day, with an average expenditure running approximately $145. The monthly cost averages about $4,350 and ranges between $3,450 and $7,470. Yearly, the median cost is about $52,925, which is less than the nationwide average of $77,380.
Costs for nursing home care in Butler typically range between $143 per day and $250 per day. The average cost is $164 per day, or around $59,860 annually.
Located in Bates County, Butler is a small city in the State of Missouri. It is included in the Kansas City metro statistical area. The surrounding metro area includes 948,048 residents, but there are 7,109 residing in the city itself. People 55 and over constitute about 33% of the population.
The SeniorScore™ for Butler is 64. The city's median household income is $37,000 ($21,000 per person), compared to an average of $43,000 for the entire state of Missouri. The median housing price in Butler is $156,000, which is somewhat higher than the Missouri average of $153,000. The city also has an average unemployment rate of about 5.56%.
Butler has mild mean temperatures, with comfortable winters and temperate summers. The area receives average levels of rainfall each year. Butler has a lower than average rate of crime and average air quality ratings in comparison to other cities in the US.