There are 16 nursing homes serving Camdenton, Missouri. This includes 2 in Camdenton and 14 nearby. The daily costs of nursing home care in Missouri range from $115 to $249, with a median expenditure running approximately $145. The per month cost averages roughly $4,350 and ranges between $3,450 and $7,470. Yearly, the average cost is about $52,925, which is under the nationwide average of $77,380.
Camdenton is a small city in Camden County, Missouri. The surrounding metro area has 1,069,475 residents, but there are 14,286 residing in the city limits. About 35% of the residents are over the age of 55.
Camdenton has a good SeniorScore™ of 72. The median housing price in the city is $238,500, which is higher than the Missouri average of $153,000. Camdenton also has an average unemployment rate of approximately 7.59%. The city's median household income is $40,000 ($22,000 per person), vs the average of $43,000 for the state of Missouri.
Camdenton has moderate mean temperatures, with moderate winters and balmy summers. The area receives average levels of rain each year. Camdenton has a high rate of crime and better than average air quality in relation to other cities in the US.