There are 19 nursing homes serving Caney, Kansas. This includes 1 in Caney and 18 nearby. The daily costs for nursing home care in Kansas range from $125 to $251, with a median expenditure running around $160. The monthly cost averages around $4,800 and ranges between $3,750 and $7,530. On an annual basis, the mean cost is around $58,400, which is under the US average of $77,380.
Located in Montgomery County, Caney is a small city in the State of Kansas. While the encompassing area includes 689,363 residents, there are only 3,089 living inside the city itself. About 28% of the residents are 55 and over.
The SeniorScore™ for Caney is 69. The city's median household income is $36,000 ($19,000 per person), in comparison to the average of $48,000 for the state of Kansas. The median housing price in Caney is $102,000, which is lower than the Kansas average of $127,500. The city has an average unemployment rate of about 7.16%.
Caney has mild mean temperatures, with comfortable winters and warm summers. The area receives average levels of precipitation each year. Caney has average air quality ratings in relation to other American cities.