There are 20 nursing homes serving Clinton, Wisconsin. This includes 2 in Clinton and 18 nearby. The daily costs of nursing home care in Wisconsin range from $170 to $516, with a mean expense running around $239. The per month expense averages about $7,170 and ranges between $5,100 and $15,480. On an annual basis, the mean cost is about $87,363, which is above the US average of $77,380.
Nursing home care costs in Clinton typically range from about $270 per day up to $336 per day, with an average cost of around $280 per day. This equates to an annual cost of about $102,200.
Clinton is a small city in Rock County, Wisconsin. It is included in the Janesville metro area. While the encompassing metropolitan area contains 132,251 people, there are just 4,052 living in the city limits. Around 27% of the residents are 55 and over.
Clinton has an above average SeniorScore™ of 72. The city's average household income is $52,000 ($27,000 per person), versus an average of $52,000 for the whole of Wisconsin. The average home price in Clinton is $222,000, which is somewhat less than the state average of $234,000. The city also has a high unemployment rate of roughly 11.27%.
Clinton has harsh mean temperatures, with cold winters and mildly warm summers. The area gets low levels of rainfall each year. Compared to similarly-sized cities, Clinton has average air quality and a very low crime rate.