There are 20 nursing homes serving Cloquet, Minnesota. This includes 2 in Cloquet and 18 nearby. The median daily cost of nursing home care in Minnesota is about $228, with costs ranging between $140 and $357 daily. On a per month basis, this equates to a median expenditure of $6,840, with costs ranging from about $4,200 to $10,710. The median yearly cost is $83,264, which is above the national average of $77,380.
The cost for nursing home care in Cloquet, MN can range from about $192 per day up to $317 per day. The median cost is about $263 per day, or around $96,042 annually.
Cloquet is a small city in the State of Minnesota. It is located in Carlton County and is part of the Duluth metro area. It has a total population of 16,999, with 180,666 people in the surrounding area. Those who are over 55 comprise about 26% of the total population.
The SeniorScore™ for Cloquet is 64. The city has a mean per capita income of $25,000 and a mean household income is $49,000 (the Minnesota state average is $53,000). The current unemployment rate is approximately 8.77% and the median housing price is $219,000, which is higher than the state average of $211,500.
Cloquet has harsh average temperatures, with very cold winters and mildly warm summers. The city receives low levels of precipitation each year. Cloquet has a low rate of crime and better than average air quality ratings in relation to other American cities.